"Who is Jesus?" is a question the whole world has ever asked.
The issue of his identity has long remained hidden in miracle and mystery. He means something very individual and special to as many as have ever spoken of him or written about him. John Blanchard presents the words of a few.
(Calvin Miller The Book of Jesus)
"When Jesus came to earth he did not cease to be God; when he returned to heaven he did not cease to be man." (Blanchard)
Jesus Christ is God in the form of man; as completly God as if he were not man; as completely man as if he were not God. - A.J. F. Behrends
JESUS CHRIST, THE condenscension of divinity, and the exaltation of humanity.
-Phillips Brooks
CHRIST UNCROWNED HIMSELF to crown us, and put off his robes to put on our rags, and came down from heaven to keep us out of hell. He fasted forty days taht he might feast us to all eternity; he came from heaven to earth that he might send us from earth to heaven. - W. Dyer
JESUS BECAME AS like us s God can be. - Donald English
JESUS DID NOT become identical to us; he became identified with us.
-Donald English
IT PLEASES THE Father that all fulness should be in Christ; therefore ther is
nothing but emptiness anywhere else. - W. Gadsby
CHRIST'S HUMANITY IS the great gem of the garment, through which we can touch his Godhead. - Richard Glover
IF EVER THE Divine appeared on earth, it was in the person of Christ.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
CHRIST IS OUR temple, in whom by faith all believers meet.
-Matthew Henry
IN CHRIST JESUS heaven meets earth and earth ascends to heaven.
-Henry Law
SURELY ROYALTY IN rags, angels in cells, is not descent compared to Diety in flesh!
- Henry Law
A man who was merely man asn said the sort of things Jesus said wouldn't
be a great moral teacher. He'd be either a lunatic ---on a level with a
man who says he's a poached egg ---or else he'd be the devil of hell. You
must make your choice. Either this man was and is the Son of God, or else
a madman or something worse....But don't let us come up with any
patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He hasn't left
that open to us. He didn't intend to.
- C. S. Lewis
JESUS WAS A MAN in guise, not disguise. - Handley C. G. Moule
HE SUFFERED NOT as God, but he suffered who was God. - John Owen
THE IMPRESSION OF JESUS which the gospels give...is not so much one of deity reduced as of divine capacities restrained. - J. I. Packer
IF THE LIFE and death of Socrates are those of a philosopher, the life and death of Jesus Christ are those of a God. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
IF YOU WANT to know what God has to ssy to you, see what Christ was and is.
REMEMBER, CHRIST WAS NOT a deified man, neither was he a humanized God. He was perfectly God and at the same time perfectly man.
- Charles H. Spurgeon
CHRIST WAS NOT half God and half man; he ws perfectly God and perfectly man. - James Stalker
BECAUSE CHRIST WAS God, did he pass unscorched through the fires of Gethsemane and Calvary? Rather let us say, because Christ ws God he underwent a suffering that was absolutely infinite. - Augustus H. Strong