6 August 2018
I was an eye witness to two miracles Mary experienced, one a slow learning
process and the other an instant healing.
The first one occurred early in our marriage as did the two healing events for
our daughters. Mary had serious sinus infection and pain; previously she had
her nasal cavities worked on by a surgeon. The pain was so bad she needed heavy
doses of pain killers. It was suggested we may need to move to Arizona. We were
unfamiliar with the concept of praying Scripture, nor had we been taught that we
could expect healing every time. Unknown to me she started to pray a few
Scriptures every morning before going to work, because she was desperate. God
had placed in her hands a prayer booklet by Rex Humbard, which had sections on
salvation, peace, forgiveness and healing. She would go into the bathroom and
recite out loud a half dozen healing Scriptures for months. One Sunday
morning I was lying on a couch in the recreation room listening to a new for us
Christian teacher with a healing ministry, as Mary came down the steps she heard
the lady say, "God is not a respecter of persons" or in other words He is not
capricious or wishy washy and healing can be expected by anybody. At that
precise moment it flashed through Mary's spirit that she had been healed !
She said nothing to me, however, on the way home from church she offered that
something had happened to her, but she would no tell me for a few days - NEVER
wave that red flag in front of curious Dave. I pumped her for info, then said,
"Do not get your hopes up lets wait and see." BTW something remarkable had
occurred and the pain was gone...until she told a Christian brother at church
the nest week and he sadly repeated my same doubting Thomas words. That night
she had the worst sinus attack ever, pain and green slime. She tells me that
later she got mad at satan's kingdom and demanded that he cease and desist ! It
all stopped again for well over twenty years. A lesson learned.
The next event involved a serious inner ear problem with vertigo caused by
disconnected. One night an assistant pastor had a call for healing, Mary had
gone that route before with no change, this time though she had an almost
immediate healing; allowing her to balance on one foot and not possible before.
So there are two first hand monuments in our lives.