For my friends and folk who share the highway of life.



[This is borrowe from the Bible for Dummies project.]

I am not sure why I am being led to do this here in this website.
I mentioned the idea originally to a friend at a church I frequent, as a tool
for folk who are not Bible savvy; peopel who might otherwise feel
uncomfortable, even unfamiliar with the Scriptures.
To be sure there is a lot of "fake news" about God's Word.
Whatever our vocation, or our passion, we need to continually
refresh the basics.
And if you are learning a new skill of course you need to begin at the basics.
So this is more of a ROAD SIGN, perhaps for one person to drive down the road,
towards heaven.


*********************************FIX***************************************** 23/12/21
My goal is to ;earn how to create articles in bite size chunks, that also have
a "PDF" file to downloads to your device.
Webpage columns and pretty icons are doable for this ole guy, but time
consuming. Time is GOLD.

OUTBOX NOV 19, 2021

Who is listening?
Who has time?

The ones I need to listen are already stretched and committed, so why write Lord?
How many roads can one drive down at the same time?
How do I combine each arm or leg of the Body of Christ? People can cast a critical attitude towards groups
who have a new flavour of week,but I am beginning to realize it is hard to multi-task in any discipline.
Coaches who wear several hats often are a jack of all trades and master of NONE.

So what does God say TODAY, can I grow let alone excel in His Kingdom: Your Kingdom come Your will be done!
This brings me to my key STRUGGLE , desire, hope and pilgrim journey; with what percent of efficiency am I
operating in His Kingdom, His will? Can I grow in fruitfulness, for our Lord and those in my circle.

It is my increasing opinion that God is restricted in His work, in us, with us, through us, because we are
ignorant of the full light, the truth (what is truth? Pilot) ( just listening to John 18.)

Thesis: too many of us are waiting for God, que sera sera and as pockets of the theological body,
we build our theology on our results or lack thereof, of our prayers, whereas we should be using Jesus
as our benchmark, no matter how humbling or painful that may be. Our expectations are too low and
we give up too soon. After time, even years of disappointment, we get discouraged then build a theology
on Gods seeming silence. Now this leads to the huge topic of Gods sovereignty, He authors all that comes our way, hum?
They say, a no can be Gods answer. Perhaps?