And though one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
Ecc: 4.12 AMP

Dec 26, 2019

I should be preparing my next sermon, hum.
Though we are all navel gazers since diapers, this is hopefully
not a rabbit trail for my narcissistic side.
It is rather a desperate attempt to communicate, not with the masses,
but a core of gracious God-given friends
- near and far.
Note: the near can be far in spirit and and understanding,
or the far close at heart despite geopgraphy.
It is hard to establish and maintain friendship, fellowship or mission;
since out of sight is usually out of mind.

I searched for a social media tool for the few, BTW they are costly
and who needs another app?
The stuff that is supposed to give us time and bonding seems to
absorb time from real necessary things in life.
Don't get me wrong I am not a Ludite, missionaries for example switched
from canoes to airplanes for the sake of efficiency and fruitfulness.
So as I muse over this tool, it is not for the masses or even dozens, but
a few good men/women to share our war room.

Here is to revival and refreshing in your sphere of influence.

Boxing Day 2019
P.S. PTL I thought I had blown this away post New Years 2020 From the geographic and spiritual wilderness.